alpha-fetoprotein — с английского на русский
Alpha-fetoprotein — (AFP) is a molecule produced in the developing embryo and fetus. In humans, AFP levels decrease gradually after birth, reaching adult levels by 8 to 12 months. Normal adult AFP levels are low, but detectable; however, AFP has no known function in … Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — or à fetoprotein or chiefly Brit alpha foetoprotein or à foetoprotein n a fetal blood protein present abnormally in adults with some forms of cancer (as of the liver) and normally in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women but with very low levels… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — [al΄fə fēt΄ō prō′tēn΄, fēt΄ō prō′tē in] n. [ ALPHA + FETO (var. of FETI ) + PROTEIN] a protein in the blood of a normal fetus, occasionally reappearing in an adult, where its presence indicates the possibility of disease or, in a pregnant woman,… … English World dictionary
alpha fetoprotein
alpha-fetoprotein — AFP; n. a protein that is formed in the liver and yolk sac of the fetus and is present in the fetal serum and secondarily in maternal blood. Maternal AFP is used as a marker in prenatal screening tests, which can be performed between the 15th and … The new mediacal dictionary
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Alpha 1 Fetoprotein (AFP) ist ein Glykoprotein, das nur während der Embryonalentwicklung im Laufe der Schwangerschaft vom entodermalen Gewebe gebildet wird. Unübliche Konzentrationen von AFP im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blutserum gelten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — alpha fe·to·protein … English syllables
alpha fetoprotein — noun an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) • Syn: ↑alpha foetoprotein, ↑AFP • Hypernyms: ↑fetoprotein, ↑foetoprotein … Useful english dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — (= a fetoprotein) Proteins from the serum of vertebrate embryos, which probably fulfil the function of albumin in the mature organism. Found in both glycosylated and nonglycosylated forms. Presence in the fluid of the amniotic sac is diagnostic… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Ạlpha Fetoprotein, Abkürzung AFP, Eiweißkörper, der in hoher Konzentration vom Fetus gebildet wird. Beim Vorliegen von bestimmten Fehlbildungen wie Neuralrohrdefekten ist der AFP Gehalt im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blut erhöht, was zur… … Universal-Lexikon
alpha-fetoprotein — /al feuh fee toh proh teen, tee in/, n. Biochem. a serum protein produced during pregnancy, useful in the prenatal diagnosis of multiple births or birth defects. Abbr.: AFP [1970 75; ALPHA + FET(US) + O + PROTEIN] * * * … Universalium
alpha-fetoprotein — с английского
Alpha-fetoprotein — (AFP) is a molecule produced in the developing embryo and fetus. In humans, AFP levels decrease gradually after birth, reaching adult levels by 8 to 12 months. Normal adult AFP levels are low, but detectable; however, AFP has no known function in … Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — or à fetoprotein or chiefly Brit alpha foetoprotein or à foetoprotein n a fetal blood protein present abnormally in adults with some forms of cancer (as of the liver) and normally in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women but with very low levels… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — [al΄fə fēt΄ō prō′tēn΄, fēt΄ō prō′tē in] n. [ ALPHA + FETO (var. of FETI ) + PROTEIN] a protein in the blood of a normal fetus, occasionally reappearing in an adult, where its presence indicates the possibility of disease or, in a pregnant woman,… … English World dictionary
alpha fetoprotein — al·pha fe·to·pro·tein (alґfə fe″to proґtēn) a plasma protein produced by the fetal liver, yolk sac, and gastrointestinal tract; serum levels decline markedly by the age of one year but are again elevated in many hepatocellular… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — AFP; n. a protein that is formed in the liver and yolk sac of the fetus and is present in the fetal serum and secondarily in maternal blood. Maternal AFP is used as a marker in prenatal screening tests, which can be performed between the 15th and … The new mediacal dictionary
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Alpha 1 Fetoprotein (AFP) ist ein Glykoprotein, das nur während der Embryonalentwicklung im Laufe der Schwangerschaft vom entodermalen Gewebe gebildet wird. Unübliche Konzentrationen von AFP im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blutserum gelten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alpha fetoprotein — noun an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) • Syn: ↑alpha foetoprotein, ↑AFP • Hypernyms: ↑fetoprotein, ↑foetoprotein … Useful english dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — (= a fetoprotein) Proteins from the serum of vertebrate embryos, which probably fulfil the function of albumin in the mature organism. Found in both glycosylated and nonglycosylated forms. Presence in the fluid of the amniotic sac is diagnostic… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Ạlpha Fetoprotein, Abkürzung AFP, Eiweißkörper, der in hoher Konzentration vom Fetus gebildet wird. Beim Vorliegen von bestimmten Fehlbildungen wie Neuralrohrdefekten ist der AFP Gehalt im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blut erhöht, was zur… … Universal-Lexikon
alpha-fetoprotein — /al feuh fee toh proh teen, tee in/, n. Biochem. a serum protein produced during pregnancy, useful in the prenatal diagnosis of multiple births or birth defects. Abbr.: AFP [1970 75; ALPHA + FET(US) + O + PROTEIN] * * * … Universalium
alpha-fetoprotein — с английского на все языки
Alpha-fetoprotein — (AFP) is a molecule produced in the developing embryo and fetus. In humans, AFP levels decrease gradually after birth, reaching adult levels by 8 to 12 months. Normal adult AFP levels are low, but detectable; however, AFP has no known function in … Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — or à fetoprotein or chiefly Brit alpha foetoprotein or à foetoprotein n a fetal blood protein present abnormally in adults with some forms of cancer (as of the liver) and normally in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women but with very low levels… … Medical dictionary
alpha fetoprotein — al·pha fe·to·pro·tein (alґfə fe″to proґtēn) a plasma protein produced by the fetal liver, yolk sac, and gastrointestinal tract; serum levels decline markedly by the age of one year but are again elevated in many hepatocellular… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — AFP; n. a protein that is formed in the liver and yolk sac of the fetus and is present in the fetal serum and secondarily in maternal blood. Maternal AFP is used as a marker in prenatal screening tests, which can be performed between the 15th and … The new mediacal dictionary
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Alpha 1 Fetoprotein (AFP) ist ein Glykoprotein, das nur während der Embryonalentwicklung im Laufe der Schwangerschaft vom entodermalen Gewebe gebildet wird. Unübliche Konzentrationen von AFP im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blutserum gelten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — alpha fe·to·protein … English syllables
alpha fetoprotein — noun an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) • Syn: ↑alpha foetoprotein, ↑AFP • Hypernyms: ↑fetoprotein, ↑foetoprotein … Useful english dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — (= a fetoprotein) Proteins from the serum of vertebrate embryos, which probably fulfil the function of albumin in the mature organism. Found in both glycosylated and nonglycosylated forms. Presence in the fluid of the amniotic sac is diagnostic… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Ạlpha Fetoprotein, Abkürzung AFP, Eiweißkörper, der in hoher Konzentration vom Fetus gebildet wird. Beim Vorliegen von bestimmten Fehlbildungen wie Neuralrohrdefekten ist der AFP Gehalt im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blut erhöht, was zur… … Universal-Lexikon
alpha-fetoprotein — /al feuh fee toh proh teen, tee in/, n. Biochem. a serum protein produced during pregnancy, useful in the prenatal diagnosis of multiple births or birth defects. Abbr.: AFP [1970 75; ALPHA + FET(US) + O + PROTEIN] * * * … Universalium
alpha-fetoprotein — с русского на английский
Alpha-fetoprotein — (AFP) is a molecule produced in the developing embryo and fetus. In humans, AFP levels decrease gradually after birth, reaching adult levels by 8 to 12 months. Normal adult AFP levels are low, but detectable; however, AFP has no known function in … Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — or à fetoprotein or chiefly Brit alpha foetoprotein or à foetoprotein n a fetal blood protein present abnormally in adults with some forms of cancer (as of the liver) and normally in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women but with very low levels… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — [al΄fə fēt΄ō prō′tēn΄, fēt΄ō prō′tē in] n. [ ALPHA + FETO (var. of FETI ) + PROTEIN] a protein in the blood of a normal fetus, occasionally reappearing in an adult, where its presence indicates the possibility of disease or, in a pregnant woman,… … English World dictionary
alpha fetoprotein — al·pha fe·to·pro·tein (alґfə fe″to proґtēn) a plasma protein produced by the fetal liver, yolk sac, and gastrointestinal tract; serum levels decline markedly by the age of one year but are again elevated in many hepatocellular… … Medical dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — AFP; n. a protein that is formed in the liver and yolk sac of the fetus and is present in the fetal serum and secondarily in maternal blood. Maternal AFP is used as a marker in prenatal screening tests, which can be performed between the 15th and … The new mediacal dictionary
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Alpha 1 Fetoprotein (AFP) ist ein Glykoprotein, das nur während der Embryonalentwicklung im Laufe der Schwangerschaft vom entodermalen Gewebe gebildet wird. Unübliche Konzentrationen von AFP im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blutserum gelten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alpha-fetoprotein — alpha fe·to·protein … English syllables
alpha fetoprotein — noun an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) • Syn: ↑alpha foetoprotein, ↑AFP • Hypernyms: ↑fetoprotein, ↑foetoprotein … Useful english dictionary
alpha-fetoprotein — (= a fetoprotein) Proteins from the serum of vertebrate embryos, which probably fulfil the function of albumin in the mature organism. Found in both glycosylated and nonglycosylated forms. Presence in the fluid of the amniotic sac is diagnostic… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Alpha-Fetoprotein — Ạlpha Fetoprotein, Abkürzung AFP, Eiweißkörper, der in hoher Konzentration vom Fetus gebildet wird. Beim Vorliegen von bestimmten Fehlbildungen wie Neuralrohrdefekten ist der AFP Gehalt im Fruchtwasser und im mütterlichen Blut erhöht, was zur… … Universal-Lexikon
alpha-fetoprotein — /al feuh fee toh proh teen, tee in/, n. Biochem. a serum protein produced during pregnancy, useful in the prenatal diagnosis of multiple births or birth defects. Abbr.: AFP [1970 75; ALPHA + FET(US) + O + PROTEIN] * * * … Universalium